Inherited traits are genetic variations that are passed from parents to their children. Inherited heart conditions are diseases that are due to genetic abnormalities. These genetic abnormalities can affect various aspects of the heart including the heart muscles. During the development of the fetus, the genetic code of the parents is copied into every cell of the infant. Proper study and discussion of the family’s medical history with the doctor can help us predict the possibility and the kind of heart diseases one may face in the future due to genes.
Finding a best heart hospital in Bangalore, which is one of the top cities for treatment in India is the ideal thing to do as you get experts capable of performing all treatments under one roof. That being said, the treatments for the most common inherited heart diseases you can find are as follows:
- Cardiomyopathy- This is a condition in which the heart cannot pump blood effectively due to abnormalities in heart muscles. Abnormalities could be due to thickening, stiffening, thinning, or accumulation of substances produced by the body. There are different types of cardiomyopathy. The most common type of cardiomyopathy is Dilated cardiomyopathy. Patients with dilated cardiomyopathy have enlarged, dilated, and weak left ventricle resulting in abnormal contraction of heart muscles. Thus, decreasing the heart’s ability to pump blood to the rest of the body parts. As per the studies it has been observed that up to 50% of the cases were due to genetic inheritance. Another type is Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in which due to the thickening of heart muscles the heart cannot relax completely. This results in inadequate pumping of blood from the heart. 50% of the patients affected with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are seen to have genetic mutations inherited from their parents.
- Cardiac amyloidosis- Amyloidosis is a serious condition in which an abnormal protein called amyloid is typically produced in bone marrow or liver. This protein gets deposited in the walls of the heart making the heart muscle stiff. This not only affects the ability of the heart to pump but also the electrical rhythm of the heart is affected. As a result, less blood is pumped by the heart leading to an accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Therefore patients with cardiac amyloidosis eventually complain of shortness of breath and generalized swelling. A genetic mutation causes changes in proteins making them insoluble. The most common symptoms of cardiac amyloidosis are chest pain, chronic cough, involuntary weight loss, confused or impaired thinking, disturbed sleep, anemia, shortness of breath, and swelling of the legs, ankles, and abdomen. Early diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis can prevent further organ damage.
- Heart Arrhythmias- The heart contracts when an electrical impulse originating from the sinoatrial node passes through it. The Sinoatrial node is also called the natural pacemaker because it initiates impulses for the heartbeat. These impulses follow a fixed pattern so that the heart pumps blood effectively. In patients with heart arrhythmias, the sinoatrial node has issues resulting in abnormal heart rhythm. Every individual at some point in their life does face abnormal heart rhythm which is absolutely harmless. However, arrhythmias or irregular heartbeat that occurs for longer spans may indicate some serious heart issues. Arrhythmias could be premature also known as early heartbeat, bradycardia when the pulse rate is very slow, where it is too fast it is called tachycardia, or too erratic known as fibrillation. Heart arrhythmias that are developed due to genetic inheritance are non-modifiable in nature. Some noticeable signs and symptoms are pain in the chest, blurred or double vision, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and anxiety, lightheadedness or fainting, nausea, and/or vomiting are some of the common ones. Lifestyle changes and pacemaker implantation along with some medications can treat arrhythmias.
- Cardiac Tumors- Abnormal growth of cells is called a tumor. Tumors can grow in any part of the body. A tumor that grows in the heart or heart valves is called a cardiac tumor. Tumors can either be malignant or benign in nature. Malignant tumors grow rapidly and in most cases spread to other body parts, on the other hand, benign tumors grow slowly and are usually harmless depending on their site of growth. Cardiac tumors are usually benign in nature with hardly any symptoms. There are two types of cardiac tumors-
* Primary tumors called myxoma which grow in the heart and do not spread.
*Secondary tumors that initially grow in another part of the body and spread to the heart. These are more common in occurrence than primary tumors.
Individuals with cardiac tumors in their family history are at a greater risk than others with no history of cardiac tumors. Heart transplantation, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are some of the treatments available for cardiac tumors.
The above-mentioned heart diseases along with pulmonary hypertension, heart valve disease, and autoimmune diseases that affect the body like rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma are some of the most common inherited heart diseases.