These days, many dentists prefer to treat several dental issues with fluoride. This kind of treatment can help reduce cavities and, to a certain extent, improve dental health.

This treatment can be a better alternative to:

  • Gel
  • Foam
  • Varnish. 

Another option to consider is high-concentration fluoride treatments, which can be conveniently used at home under the careful guidance of a dentist. This method can be a superior choice to using specific toothpaste.

You may prefer to visit ToothFairy Dental Clinic in Bangkhuntien, Bangkok, where you can get specialized treatments for any dental issues for your child and family. You can also be offered fluoride treatments by them.

How dental decay is prevented by fluoride

Many experts consider fluoride a natural cavity fighter. This mineral can strengthen and increase the resistance to cavities in tooth enamel. It may also aid in preventing dental precisely does fluoride (เคลือบฟลูออไรด์, term in Thai) function?

The basic reason cavities form in our mouths is the formation of bacteria. These bacteria may eat away food scraps in our teeth, particularly when we eat sweet snacks or beverages. 

By generating certain acids when they consume carbohydrates, bacteria can erode the enamel on our teeth. When our tooth enamel is harmed over time, it might lead to more dental decay.

By shielding our teeth from the harm that these acids might cause, fluoride helps prevent cavities. We refer to the process of repair as remineralization.

Benefits of fluoride treatments

Fluoride has several benefits to offer for our teeth:

  1. It can help us by using minerals like phosphate and calcium present in our bodies. 
  2. It can fuse with our tooth structure while tooth development is taking place to support our tooth enamel and thus prevent cavities and bacteria from forming in our teeth.
  3. It can slow down or even stop cavity formation by killing those germs responsible for cavities.

When taken together, all these benefits may also help to:

  • Reduce the risk of cavities
  • Slow down the growth of cavities
  • Delay the need for any expensive dental work
  • Prolong the life of your baby teeth
  • Cut down on the time and cost that patients must spend at the dentist.

By avoiding cavities and reducing the formation of germs fluoride treatment can also: 

  • Prevent gum disease
  • Reduce tooth pain
  • Prevent the premature loss of teeth.

Side effects of fluoride

There is apprehension about using fluoride in higher doses. This can be pretty unsafe, particularly for young kids, who must avoid using fluoridated water at all costs. Still, it has not been demonstrated.

However, a few side effects, like tooth discoloration, have been observed. If a child overuses fluoride, it can cause white streaks on their teeth, typically if they are below eight years old. 

Overuse of fluoride (ฟลูออไรด์, term in Thai) can happen if people take fluoride supplements or swallow toothpaste. Therefore, the U.S. Public Health Service has set a guideline that the recommended fluorosis in drinking water must be not beyond 0.7 mg/L. 

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises using a tiny amount of fluoridated toothpaste when a child’s first tooth erupts to prevent cavities without risking fluorosis.