Your child is developing an effective oral hygiene regimen with your assistance as they age, making you happy!
In their daily routine, your youngster already uses a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, but what about mouthwash? When ought one to begin using mouthwash? Are kids even safe to use mouthwash? Make sure that you contact a children’s dentist in Cumming, GA.
Is mouthwash a requirement?
In fact, mouthwash is strongly advised for both adults and teenagers. After brushing and flossing, mouthwash is a great way to remove any bacteria or debris that may still be present.
Does mouthwash have to be used on young children? No, mouthwash can be detrimental to young children.
When can my kids start using mouthwash?
You are advised to postpone introducing mouthwash into their daily regimen until your child is 7 or 8 years old. It can be challenging to comprehend the idea of gargling mouthwash around before spitting it out before age seven.
Unfortunately, young toddlers are prone to ingesting mouthwash, endangering their health. Fluoride or alcohol in mouthwash might cause developmental issues if swallowed.
As a general guideline, do not think of exposing your child to mouthwash until they are at a minimum of 7 years old. If your youngster is old enough to use mouthwash, use your discretion.
Are all mouthwash products suitable for kids?
Not every mouthwash is suitable for children. Before selecting a recipe, you should consider the two typical mouthwash constituents, alcohol and fluoride.
While picking a fluoride-containing formula before your child learns how to spit up mouthwash correctly is advised, fluoride helps strengthen teeth enamel.
A child that consumes too much fluoride develops the illness known as “fluorosis.” Due to its capacity to strengthen and maintain the enamel, fluoride is a significant component in many types of mouthwash. Too much fluoride intake throughout adolescence might result in the teeth developing white stains or discolorations that last a lifetime.
Also included in many antimicrobial types of mouthwash is alcohol. Every age should avoid using these mouthwashes! Children that consume mouthwash may experience developmental problems, physical growth retardation, and various symptoms like vomiting or respiratory problems.
Alcohol harms people of all ages. This abrasive substance dries out the mouth, alters the pH balance, and might aggravate already uncomfortable symptoms or disorders.
Fluoride should be avoided at all costs, and mouthwash with alcohol is never a good idea for young children. A fluoride anti-cavity wash is a fantastic suggestion if your child comprehends the idea of spitting out the mouthwash and you feel more comfortable with them using it.